The family tree presented is more than a decade of research. This tree is supported by over 23,000 documents sourced in the bibligraphy. The entire tree is over 5,500 individuals so it has been broken down into direct swctions of interest in addation to proving the full .FTM file as well as the link to the public tree via
Given the nature of my genealogy it have confirmed as much historical, archeological, as well as some scientific verification.
This tree includes: Anunnaki, Norse, AElvin (elves), royalty, Sumerian Kings, Trojan, Saxon Kings, Jotun (giants) and various deities.
I am descended from En.Ki Ea, Ragnar Lodebrook by Sigrid Snake in the Eye, Ziasuddra (Noah), King Alfred the Great, Odin, Loki, Ymir, King Priam III of Troy and many many more.
This tree is evidence of my family's history as hybrids (Anuna, Vega of Sirius, and Vanir who descend from the original colony (Empire of Elom aka Atlantis)
This genealogy is not important as one ego but as it records part of the history and timeline of mankind's history. Quite possibly to the orgins of Caucasian peoples as well.
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These are the direct connections to various regions and people from history.

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